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The Axeman's Jazz


Kiadó: Ivy Books
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 353 oldal
Sorozatcím: Skip Langdon Mystery
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 17 cm x 10 cm
ISBN: 0-8041-0954-0
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"Julié Smith not only firmly establishes her claim to the New Orleans crime scene, but she explores an intriguing new franchise for the serial killerí' Sue Grafton In hundreds of anonymous self-help groups, New Orleans's restless young and not so young search for love, self-esteem, freedom from addictions, a quick roll in the hay, the lost inner child, you name it. Enter the Axeman, a 1990s reincarnation of the city's notorious serial killer of seventy years ago. Pretty Linda Lee Strickland, strangled in her own apartment, is-the first victim. For detective Skip Langdon, cheated of a romantic vacation by the killing, the case is a bummer. Yet as she threads her fascinated way from one self-help group to another, she finds she has more in common with the twelve-steppers than just the murder. And she knows what they do not: that among their anonymous numbers is a deadly dangerous, and dangerously attractive, psychopath "Smith draws a lively story from the city's peculiar social mix... Tovább


"Julié Smith not only firmly establishes her claim to the New Orleans crime scene, but she explores an intriguing new franchise for the serial killerí' Sue Grafton In hundreds of anonymous self-help groups, New Orleans's restless young and not so young search for love, self-esteem, freedom from addictions, a quick roll in the hay, the lost inner child, you name it. Enter the Axeman, a 1990s reincarnation of the city's notorious serial killer of seventy years ago. Pretty Linda Lee Strickland, strangled in her own apartment, is-the first victim. For detective Skip Langdon, cheated of a romantic vacation by the killing, the case is a bummer. Yet as she threads her fascinated way from one self-help group to another, she finds she has more in common with the twelve-steppers than just the murder. And she knows what they do not: that among their anonymous numbers is a deadly dangerous, and dangerously attractive, psychopath "Smith draws a lively story from the city's peculiar social mix [Skip is an] endearingly imperfect heroine The New York Times Book Review "Marvelous... Julié Smith turns in another rock solid performance." Chicago Tribüné Vissza

Julie Smith

Julie Smith műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Julie Smith könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
The Axeman's Jazz The Axeman's Jazz The Axeman's Jazz The Axeman's Jazz The Axeman's Jazz

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