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The Children's Game/Beyond All Frontiers/The Incredible Journey/From This Day Forward


Kiadó: The Reader's Digest Associaton
Kiadás helye: Pleasantville
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Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 574 oldal
Sorozatcím: Reader's Digest Condensed Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 19 cm x 14 cm
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BEYOND ALL FRONTIERS by Emma Drummond St. Martin's, $13.95 A glittering saga of románcé and adventure set against colorful, often turbulent nineteenthcentury India. Charlotte Scott is seventeen when she leaves England for Calcutta, hoping to put behind her an austere and lonelychildhood. Butsheisunprepared for life in the military station where her father is serv- ----- ing the British East India Company. Most unsettling is her deep attraction to a dangerously charming soldier of fortune. While Charlotte struggles to sort out her feel ings, the world around her erupts intosavagewarfare. In theordeal thatfollows, she learns that love can lead many across frontiers, but it is the fortunate few who find their way home. Page157 FROM THIS DAY FORWARD by Nancy Rossi Times Books, $13.95 Nancy and John Rossi were overjoyed that they were going to have a baby at last. They were young and deeply in love, and their childlessness had been one of the few shadows on a near perfect marriage. Then,... Tovább


BEYOND ALL FRONTIERS by Emma Drummond St. Martin's, $13.95 A glittering saga of románcé and adventure set against colorful, often turbulent nineteenthcentury India. Charlotte Scott is seventeen when she leaves England for Calcutta, hoping to put behind her an austere and lonelychildhood. Butsheisunprepared for life in the military station where her father is serv- ----- ing the British East India Company. Most unsettling is her deep attraction to a dangerously charming soldier of fortune. While Charlotte struggles to sort out her feel ings, the world around her erupts intosavagewarfare. In theordeal thatfollows, she learns that love can lead many across frontiers, but it is the fortunate few who find their way home. Page157 FROM THIS DAY FORWARD by Nancy Rossi Times Books, $13.95 Nancy and John Rossi were overjoyed that they were going to have a baby at last. They were young and deeply in love, and their childlessness had been one of the few shadows on a near perfect marriage. Then, in Nancy's sixth month of pregnancy, they learned that John had cancer. It was a cruelly swift-movingtype. And itwas terminál. Theirone hope was that John could survive long enough to see his child. This is Nancy Rossi's powerful remembrance of a warm, gentle man, of the heartbreak of his illness, and her fierce determination to hold on to each moment left to them. It is a true, unsparing account of a loss that should never have been, and a love that is not forgottén. Page441 THE CHILDREN'S GAME by Dávid Wise St. Martin's/Marek, $14.95 Something is wrong. Suddenly CIA operations are being sabotaged all over the world. An agent is shot in Vienna, a crucial contact whisked away in Tokyo, a covert maneuver exposed in
(continued from front flap) Spain. What's happening? The man charged to find out is William Danner, an ex-agent coerced into service by former associates in the Central Intelligence Agency. Danner's involvement is purely Professional, until the game of secrets and spies traps two unwitting victims-the daughter he adores and the woman he is beginning to love. Only Danner can prevent disaster. And only he can save the game. Page 7 THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY by Sheila Burnford Atlantic-Little, Brown, $11.95 There were three of them: a comfort-loving old buliterrier, a shrewd Siamese cat and a resourceful young Labrador retriever. They were sent to be in good hands while their owners were away. But the yearning for home was strong. So they started out, across two hundred and fifty miles of hostile Canadian wilderness, moving instinctively toward the place where they belonged. Their chances of survival were síim, yet they pressed on. And on their incredible journey, they changed the lives of those they met in wondrous ways. A classic tale, brushed with a special kind of magic. Page 377 Corning in a future volume NIGHT SKY by Clare Francis The shadows of World War II were fal ling across Europe. But to pretty Julié Lescaux, living quietly with her widowed mother in England, the idea ofwarseemed remoteand unreal. In Francé, a vicious criminal was interested only in his next illicit deal. And in Germany, a gifted Jewish scientist, deep in secret radar research, was sure the Nazi regime would never harm him. Yet the war would touch them all, and inexorably these three disparate people would be drawn together in deadly combat. A magnificent story ofdanger and suspense, of villainy and heroism, of love lost and found in unexpected places. Vissza




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The Children's Game/Beyond All Frontiers/The Incredible Journey/From This Day Forward The Children's Game/Beyond All Frontiers/The Incredible Journey/From This Day Forward The Children's Game/Beyond All Frontiers/The Incredible Journey/From This Day Forward The Children's Game/Beyond All Frontiers/The Incredible Journey/From This Day Forward The Children's Game/Beyond All Frontiers/The Incredible Journey/From This Day Forward The Children's Game/Beyond All Frontiers/The Incredible Journey/From This Day Forward

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