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The Complete Oriental Cook Book


Kiadó: Marshall Cavendish Limited
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 420 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 29 cm x 22 cm
ISBN: 0-85685-476-x
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal. További fotósok a műben.
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The East has fascinateci men and women since Marco Polo first brought news of it back to Venice those many centuries ago; not even a contracting world and politicai uncertainty has lessened the speli. The architecture, the people, the very terrain - all are familiar and recognizable yet somehow subtly différent. And, of course, the food, with its exotic spices, mysterious ingrédients, special techniques, well, the food could evoke the magic and excitement of the Orient in your own kitchen if only you knew how. The Complete Orienta! Cook Book provides this opportunity, with its colourful collection of over 400 authentic recipes, all translated into easy, everyday, understandable cooking terms,
From the sumptuous Mogul feasts of northern India, to the simple but delicious vegetarían classics of the south, from the glories of the peasant cuisine of China, where every scrap of food is used by necessity and transformed into an art form, to the cool,... Tovább


The East has fascinateci men and women since Marco Polo first brought news of it back to Venice those many centuries ago; not even a contracting world and politicai uncertainty has lessened the speli. The architecture, the people, the very terrain - all are familiar and recognizable yet somehow subtly différent. And, of course, the food, with its exotic spices, mysterious ingrédients, special techniques, well, the food could evoke the magic and excitement of the Orient in your own kitchen if only you knew how. The Complete Orienta! Cook Book provides this opportunity, with its colourful collection of over 400 authentic recipes, all translated into easy, everyday, understandable cooking terms,
From the sumptuous Mogul feasts of northern India, to the simple but delicious vegetarían classics of the south, from the glories of the peasant cuisine of China, where every scrap of food is used by necessity and transformed into an art form, to the cool, delicate, formai beauty of a Japanese meal, with its emphasis on healthy, low cholesterolfood - ali are guaranteed to be absolutely delicious. And the lesser-known countries are well represented, too : the curries of Burma, so différent from those of India, the subtle influence of India and China which permeates the dishes of Thailand yet creates a unique cuisine, the sates and peanut sauce of Indonesia, which should be terrible and is utterly fabulous there is a whole world to be explored, a whole taste sensation awaiting discovery.
So fall under the speli of the East and al low The Complete Orientai Cook Book to provide you with very many hours of cooking and eating pleasure. Vissza


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