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The Diary of Anais Nin 7.


Róla szól

Kiadó: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers
Kiadás helye: New York-London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 355 oldal
Sorozatcím: Harvest/HBJ Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-15-626035-2
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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Critical praise for
Volume Vll: 1966-1974
"This final volume continues, concludes and climaxes the total range and sv^eep of life which makes Andis Nin's diary one of the great confessions of literature." —Robert Kirsch, Los Angeles Times
. . there is some fine handiwork here—portraits of Jeanne Moreau, Marguerite Young, a blighted Tennessee Williams. The readers of Goethe's Sonows of Young Werther opted for suicide; the readers of Nin tried to learn how to live." —Adrianne Blue, The Washington Post
"Because she wrote so well of both dreams and reality, because she turned her perceptive eye .on herself and others with elegance and animation, these diaries will remain a great work." —Anstiss Drake, Chicago Sun-Times
". . . even in the last years when she was weakened by cancer and by the oven/vhelming demands of fame and innumerable admirers, [Nin] managed to maintain . . . her loving attachment to the life of the senses animated and informed by the life of... Tovább


Critical praise for
Volume Vll: 1966-1974
"This final volume continues, concludes and climaxes the total range and sv^eep of life which makes Andis Nin's diary one of the great confessions of literature." —Robert Kirsch, Los Angeles Times
. . there is some fine handiwork here—portraits of Jeanne Moreau, Marguerite Young, a blighted Tennessee Williams. The readers of Goethe's Sonows of Young Werther opted for suicide; the readers of Nin tried to learn how to live." —Adrianne Blue, The Washington Post
"Because she wrote so well of both dreams and reality, because she turned her perceptive eye .on herself and others with elegance and animation, these diaries will remain a great work." —Anstiss Drake, Chicago Sun-Times
". . . even in the last years when she was weakened by cancer and by the oven/vhelming demands of fame and innumerable admirers, [Nin] managed to maintain . . . her loving attachment to the life of the senses animated and informed by the life of the spirit." —Elisabeth Stevens, The Baltimore Sun
". . . one of the most remarkable documents of the 20th Century . . . On one level it is the longest continuous record of a woman's intimate history we possess. On another, it is an extraordinary success story. . . . But the subject'of this diary is The Diary itself. 1 live for The Diary/ Nin confesses, and distinction between life and art is finally blurred, the two merged into one. Those who misconstrue Nin will take this for her limitation. Those who understand her best will recognize it as her achievement."
—Robert Zailer, The Miami Herald Vissza

Anais Nin

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