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The Essential O'Casey

A Study of the Twelve Major Plays of Sean O'Casey

Kapcsolódó személy

Kiadó: Seven Seas Publishers
Kiadás helye: Berlin
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 346 oldal
Sorozatcím: Seven Seas Books
Kötetszám: 7
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 19 cm x 12 cm
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This book maintains that Sean O'Casey saw his plays as a part of the struggle of the Irish people and of working people throughout the world for the establishment of a socialist society, creative and humanist. It is an in-depth study by Jack Mitchell of O'Casey's twelve major plays in which he carefully documents his thesis -interpretations that a re often in contrast to those of many other critics who fail to see the underlying objectives in his plays. Mr. Mitchell does not underrate O'Casey's use of fantasy, parable, symbolism and humour but sees them as an integral part of the deeper meaning. The twelve plays considered are: The Shadow of a Gunman, Juno and the Paycock, The Plough and the Stars, The Silver Tassie, Within the Gates, The Star Turns Red, Purple Dust, Red Roses for Me, Cock-a-Doodle Dandy, The Bishop's Bonfire, Behind the Green Curtains, Figuro in the Night
For the reader who has never seen or read a Sean O'Casey play this book (with generous O'Casey quotations)... Tovább


This book maintains that Sean O'Casey saw his plays as a part of the struggle of the Irish people and of working people throughout the world for the establishment of a socialist society, creative and humanist. It is an in-depth study by Jack Mitchell of O'Casey's twelve major plays in which he carefully documents his thesis -interpretations that a re often in contrast to those of many other critics who fail to see the underlying objectives in his plays. Mr. Mitchell does not underrate O'Casey's use of fantasy, parable, symbolism and humour but sees them as an integral part of the deeper meaning. The twelve plays considered are: The Shadow of a Gunman, Juno and the Paycock, The Plough and the Stars, The Silver Tassie, Within the Gates, The Star Turns Red, Purple Dust, Red Roses for Me, Cock-a-Doodle Dandy, The Bishop's Bonfire, Behind the Green Curtains, Figuro in the Night
For the reader who has never seen or read a Sean O'Casey play this book (with generous O'Casey quotations) will stimulate him to do one or the other, or both. For the specialist it will add to his knowledge and give him food for thought. Vissza



Jack Mitchell

Jack Mitchell műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Jack Mitchell könyvek, művek
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The Essential O'Casey The Essential O'Casey The Essential O'Casey The Essential O'Casey

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