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The Life and Times of Louis XIV.

Portraits of Greatness

Róla szól

Kiadó: Paul Hamlyn Ltd
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 75 oldal
Sorozatcím: The Life and Times of
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 29 cm x 23 cm
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
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The Life and Times of LOUIS XIV
It was Voltaire who gave to the 17th century the name that it retains to this day, 'The Century of Louis XIV'. This phrase is not just a fond tribute to a favourite ruler; it is a factual description of an age that was dominated by the longest reign in European history - the reign of the 'Sun King'. Louis was King of France for 72 years, during which time France became the most powerful and brilliant country in Europe.
What was it like to live in the splendid age of the Sun King? This book is your chance to see for yourself. It is a recreation of the life and times of Louis, a living portrait of the King and his world.
Here are all the great personalities that contributed to the splendour of Louis' reign: Mazarin, Louis' beloved guide and teacher and the most hated prime minister in French history; Colbert, the brilliant finance minister whose name will always be linked with France's industrial development; Moliere and Racine, whose dramas have... Tovább


The Life and Times of LOUIS XIV
It was Voltaire who gave to the 17th century the name that it retains to this day, 'The Century of Louis XIV'. This phrase is not just a fond tribute to a favourite ruler; it is a factual description of an age that was dominated by the longest reign in European history - the reign of the 'Sun King'. Louis was King of France for 72 years, during which time France became the most powerful and brilliant country in Europe.
What was it like to live in the splendid age of the Sun King? This book is your chance to see for yourself. It is a recreation of the life and times of Louis, a living portrait of the King and his world.
Here are all the great personalities that contributed to the splendour of Louis' reign: Mazarin, Louis' beloved guide and teacher and the most hated prime minister in French history; Colbert, the brilliant finance minister whose name will always be linked with France's industrial development; Moliere and Racine, whose dramas have become classics of the world's theatre. Here, too, is Versailles where everyone who was anyone had to be seen, and where Louis' mistresses vied for power and poisonings were not uncommon occurrences.
Over 100 illustrations - 75 in full colour -have been carefully chosen from the great art of the period to illustrate the caracter of this glorious age. You will see paintings of the royal family and the royal palaces, glittering court scenes at Versailles and magnificent portraits of the Sun King himself. Drawings and sketches give realistic impressions of daily life, customs and fashions. Paintings glorify Louis' wars, and contemporary prints satirize them.
The text itself is more than biography, for it is written in a sharp and lucid style that gives it the vitality of an 'eye-witness' account and does full justice to one of the most fascinating ages in history.
I? Vissza

Alfredo Panicucci

Alfredo Panicucci műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Alfredo Panicucci könyvek, művek
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