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The Lonely Crowd

A study of the changing American character


Kiadó: Yale University Press
Kiadás helye: New Haven-London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 315 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-300-00193-2
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The Lonely Crowd
a study of the changing American character
The Lonely Crowd is unquestionably one of the most profoundly influential books of our time. lts now famous analysis of the "new middle class" in terms of inner-directed and other-directed social character opens exciting new dimensions in our understanding of the psychological, political, and economie problems that confront the individual in contemporary American society.
"This book," the author writes, "is about social character and the difference in social character between men of different regions, eras, and'groups . It considers the ways in which different social character types, once they are formed at the knee of society, are thën deployed in work, play, petities, and child-rearing activities of society. More particularly it is about the way in which one kind of social character, which dominated America in the nineteenth century, is gradually being replaced by a social character of quite a different... Tovább


The Lonely Crowd
a study of the changing American character
The Lonely Crowd is unquestionably one of the most profoundly influential books of our time. lts now famous analysis of the "new middle class" in terms of inner-directed and other-directed social character opens exciting new dimensions in our understanding of the psychological, political, and economie problems that confront the individual in contemporary American society.
"This book," the author writes, "is about social character and the difference in social character between men of different regions, eras, and'groups . It considers the ways in which different social character types, once they are formed at the knee of society, are thën deployed in work, play, petities, and child-rearing activities of society. More particularly it is about the way in which one kind of social character, which dominated America in the nineteenth century, is gradually being replaced by a social character of quite a different sort. Just why this happened; how it happened; what are'i^ consequences in some major areas of life: this is the subject of this. book."
"Brilliant and original." —arthur m. schlesinger, jr.
"A stimulating andprovocative book."—margaret mead
"Riesman has a spaciousness of outlook which brings great promise to American social iheory. . . . His work is strewn with insights which make every page crackle as you read it."—max lerner
"One of the most penetrating and comprehensive views of the twentieth-century urban American you're likely to find." —commonweal Vissza
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