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The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide

A Metropolitan Művészeti Múzeum útmutatója

Kapcsolódó személy

Kiadó: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött papírkötés
Oldalszám: 448 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-87099-346-1
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal és reprodukciókkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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The Metropolitan Museum is a living encyclopedia of world art. Every culture from every part of the world— from Florence to Thebes to Papua New Guinea—from the earliest times to the... Tovább


The Metropolitan Museum is a living encyclopedia of world art. Every culture from every part of the world— from Florence to Thebes to Papua New Guinea—from the earliest times to the present and in every medium is represented, frequently at the highest levels of quality and invention. The Metropolitan's 1.4 million square feet houses what is in fact a collection of collections; several of its departments could and would be major independent museums almost anywhere else. But here musical instru-ments adjoin arms and armor, and forty thousand Egyp-tian objects are displayed on the floor directly above a collection of forty-five thousand costumes.
A guide to the Museum's immense holdings—more than three million works of art, of which several hundred thousand are on public view—can only be the briefest of anthologies. Through a selection of some of the finest works in every department we have attempted to give a balanced picture of the collection. Inevitably many legitímate candidates had to be excluded, and it is no empty boast to say that the guide could have been twice as long with scarcely a loss of quality or éclat in the works presented. For example, out of more than thirty paintings by Monet we show four, and only fifty-five examples of Greek and Roman art must stand for the thousands of objects in that department's galleries. And how many museums could omit three works by so rare and supreme a painter as Vermeer while still including three?
The difficulty we faced in these choices makes it clear that the works of art reproduced here are only signposts to direct and introduce the visitor to the vari-ous parts of the Metropolitan. I hope those who come to the Museum often wlll use this book to plan their visits, creatlng itineraries to suit a time or a mood (they may find, as I have, that a short, focused visit is per-haps the most rewarding way to experience the Museum). This guide can, of course, be used as a basis for a tour of highllghts, serving as an articúlate compan- Vissza


Introduction by Philippe de Montebello, 6
Director of the Metropolitan Museum
Message from Saul P. Steinberg 7
General Information 8
Museum Floor Plans 10
The American Wing 16
Ancient Near Eastern Art 44
Arms and Armor 60
Asian Art 72
Costume Institute 104
Drawings 110
Egyptian Art 118
European Paintings 142
European Sculpture and Décorative Arts 230
Greek and Roman Art 270
Islamic Art 294
Robert Lehman Collection 314
The Jack and Belle Linsky Collection 336
Médiéval Art—Main Building 350
Médiéval Art|®he Cloisters 372
Musical Instruments 392
Art of the Pacific Islands, Africa, 400
and the Americas
Prints and Photographs 416
Twentieth Century Art 424
Acknowledgments 445
Index 446
Megvásárolható példányok
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide

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