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The Pocket Guide to Manwatching


Kiadó: Triad Panther
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 480 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-586-05628-9
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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After the astonishing success of THE NAKED APE (eight millión copies sold worldwidL) Desmond Morris embarked on a V comprehensive field §tudy of humán behaviour. It resulted in another best-selling book MANWATCHING, the start ing-point for the Thames Television series and book THE HUMÁN RACE, which gives detailed case-studies of the humán success story. In MANWATCHING the author presentsthefamiliar in an unfamiliar light, analysing his countless observations in many different countries of the way in which people act-in public and priváté. * / -1 ¦ Packed with fascinating details and hundreds of photographs MANWATCHING has become éstablished as a fabulous v r encyclopaedia of information on the humán race. Now this Pocket Guide makes the essential ideas available to an ^ even wider audience, forming a compact, easy-to-use guide and ; \ reference for the reader's own observations. Together with its companion volume GESTURES, it provides a concise introduction to the whole subject... Tovább


After the astonishing success of THE NAKED APE (eight millión copies sold worldwidL) Desmond Morris embarked on a V comprehensive field §tudy of humán behaviour. It resulted in another best-selling book MANWATCHING, the start ing-point for the Thames Television series and book THE HUMÁN RACE, which gives detailed case-studies of the humán success story. In MANWATCHING the author presentsthefamiliar in an unfamiliar light, analysing his countless observations in many different countries of the way in which people act-in public and priváté. * / -1 ¦ Packed with fascinating details and hundreds of photographs MANWATCHING has become éstablished as a fabulous v r encyclopaedia of information on the humán race. Now this Pocket Guide makes the essential ideas available to an ^ even wider audience, forming a compact, easy-to-use guide and ; \ reference for the reader's own observations. Together with its companion volume GESTURES, it provides a concise introduction to the whole subject of'body language', as well as being a sti mulat ing . complement to THE HUMÁN RACE. MANWATCHING v 'The sort of book you pick up idly and put down very reluctantly' ' { DAILY MIRROR «' l 'An extremely important book' -- • NIKOTINBERGEN, NOBEL PRIZEWfNNER AND EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR AT THE UNI VERSITY OF OXFORD 'A clear and careful introduction to an involved subjectTHE TIMES Vissza

Desmond Morris

Desmond Morris műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Desmond Morris könyvek, művek
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