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The Rebirth of History

Eastern Europe in the Age of Democracy


Kiadó: Penguin Books
Kiadás helye: Harmondsworth
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 244 oldal
Sorozatcím: Penguin Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-14-014394-7
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
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THE WORLD IS STILL REELING FROM THE SPEED AND IMPACT OF THE REVOLUTIONS THAT ERUPTED THROUGH OUT EASTERN EUROPE IN 1989, THROWING THE POLITICAL ORDER OF THE POSTWAR WORLD INTO FERMENT. But the collapse of the communist parties in Eastern Europe is only the beginning of a new era of change and uncertainty. What will replace the crusty old bureaucracies? And what of the Pandora's box of problems that the new democratically elected regimes must solve? The democratic elections of 1990 have seen history being made almost faster than it can be analyzed. From Budapest to Bucharest, from Warsaw to Prague, Misha Glenny was there at the hub of the action as the Central Europe correspondent of the BBCs World Service and as a friend of many of the leading personalities shaping the new Eastern Europe. He is uniquely qualified to interpret events as they unfold, to evaluate the new political players - from social democrats and Christian democrats to powerful nationalist parties and embryonic... Tovább


THE WORLD IS STILL REELING FROM THE SPEED AND IMPACT OF THE REVOLUTIONS THAT ERUPTED THROUGH OUT EASTERN EUROPE IN 1989, THROWING THE POLITICAL ORDER OF THE POSTWAR WORLD INTO FERMENT. But the collapse of the communist parties in Eastern Europe is only the beginning of a new era of change and uncertainty. What will replace the crusty old bureaucracies? And what of the Pandora's box of problems that the new democratically elected regimes must solve? The democratic elections of 1990 have seen history being made almost faster than it can be analyzed. From Budapest to Bucharest, from Warsaw to Prague, Misha Glenny was there at the hub of the action as the Central Europe correspondent of the BBCs World Service and as a friend of many of the leading personalities shaping the new Eastern Europe. He is uniquely qualified to interpret events as they unfold, to evaluate the new political players - from social democrats and Christian democrats to powerful nationalist parties and embryonic Green movements - and to identify emerging long-term patterns. But he warns that democracy may yet prove a double-edged sword as old tensions surface. Eastern Europe's crucial inter-war history and powerful cultural diversity will continue to shape its future - not least its nationalist conflicts - and failure to ensure a peaceful transition will have fár-reaching consequences. The revolution has only just begun. Vissza



Misha Glenny

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