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The Republic of China Yearbook 1995

Kiadó: Government Information Office
Kiadás helye: Taipei
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 889 oldal
Sorozatcím: The Republic of China Yearbook
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 18 cm
ISBN: 957-00-4846-8
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal, ábrákkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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The Republic of China Yearbook 1995
Since its first edition in 1912, The Republic of China Yearbook has been the most authoritative source of information on the Republic of China. Updated and revised each year, the Yearbook chroni-cles the tremendous changes that are reshaping the ROC on Taiwan. This year, The Republic of China Yearbook 1995 brings together a whole new set of facts and figures, concisely captures the highlights of 1994, and clearly describes the diverse issues facing the ROC today.
In 27 comprehensive chapters, The Republic of China Yearbook 1995 pro-vides detailed coverage of economics, politics, environmental protection, education, and many other aspects of life in Taiwan. Each chapter is fiiled with in-depth essays, color photos, graphs, charts, and statistical tables, creating a
(Continued on back Jlap)
(Continued from front flap)
three-dimensional picture of develop-ments that is both balanced and easy to grasp.
Eight appendices put indispensable... Tovább


The Republic of China Yearbook 1995
Since its first edition in 1912, The Republic of China Yearbook has been the most authoritative source of information on the Republic of China. Updated and revised each year, the Yearbook chroni-cles the tremendous changes that are reshaping the ROC on Taiwan. This year, The Republic of China Yearbook 1995 brings together a whole new set of facts and figures, concisely captures the highlights of 1994, and clearly describes the diverse issues facing the ROC today.
In 27 comprehensive chapters, The Republic of China Yearbook 1995 pro-vides detailed coverage of economics, politics, environmental protection, education, and many other aspects of life in Taiwan. Each chapter is fiiled with in-depth essays, color photos, graphs, charts, and statistical tables, creating a
(Continued on back Jlap)
(Continued from front flap)
three-dimensional picture of develop-ments that is both balanced and easy to grasp.
Eight appendices put indispensable information at your fingertips, including a directory of governmental organiza-tions, a list of important dates and holi-days, and a table of weights and meas-ures.
Topping it all off, an expanded Who's Who section serves as your personal connection to leaders across the political spectrum and in all walks of life.
• Extensive Chinese annotation throughout the text and in the superbly organized index offers quick and accu-rate reference for bilingual readers.
The Republic of China Yearbook 1995. No other book even comes close. Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
The Republic of China Yearbook 1995 The Republic of China Yearbook 1995 The Republic of China Yearbook 1995 The Republic of China Yearbook 1995 The Republic of China Yearbook 1995 The Republic of China Yearbook 1995 The Republic of China Yearbook 1995

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