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The Usborne Illustrated English Dictionary


Kiadó: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 288 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-1-4095-4701-3
Megjegyzés: További kapcsolódó személyek a könyvben. Színes illusztrációkkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






• Over one thousand superb colour illustrations »Illustrations are surrounded by labels with specialized vocabulary > Text written in friendly, accessible language
> Hints on grammar, spelling and punctuation • Weights, measures, countries and nationalities
' World English - its history and variety
Short, easy to _ read lines
Straightforward definitions using words that readers will understand
Slang and everyday children's speech
Related or derived words added where-relevant
Part of speech -
indicators for all definitions
Superb, top-quality photographs
Spelling guides redirect young searchers to the right page
Pronunciation guides for tricky words
Wide range of multi cultural words
. nwralB imor-ahU (n) hopt, w (onlid»nc«. The pnsonen kepi up ihtir mxah by '«Ang jokK. . morbid fath) SowWf who n

1 toey^tMlefinnunibef.sae. nc mer« M more ('«A-J
2 more or roughl/. Of nwly . mcralth Odil lUantil ll«food n
morning (n) ih»... Tovább


• Over one thousand superb colour illustrations »Illustrations are surrounded by labels with specialized vocabulary > Text written in friendly, accessible language
> Hints on grammar, spelling and punctuation • Weights, measures, countries and nationalities
' World English - its history and variety
Short, easy to _ read lines
Straightforward definitions using words that readers will understand
Slang and everyday children's speech
Related or derived words added where-relevant
Part of speech -
indicators for all definitions
Superb, top-quality photographs
Spelling guides redirect young searchers to the right page
Pronunciation guides for tricky words
Wide range of multi cultural words
. nwralB imor-ahU (n) hopt, w (onlid»nc«. The pnsonen kepi up ihtir mxah by '«Ang jokK. . morbid fath) SowWf who n

1 toey^tMlefinnunibef.sae. nc mer« M more ('«A-J
2 more or roughl/. Of nwly . mcralth Odil lUantil ll«food n
morning (n) ih» um» ol djy be^««n djwo and m^Jday, morose i»di) gtoomy ind
Morse code in;* way o( »nöuig mfsugrt that uím bgKt ot sound m » palttrn of doti and datftes to »«pmMit letiirt ThepKtursihomí
- «•• •
MORSE morsel Cn>« unaS prce of food mortal
1 (idO unaWt 10 kw f«»ver. A* Iwmini »re mortal moitaiity(n^
2 CnJ a human being
3 (idi) deadly. O' UMng dtalh. . A mxtti wxiot». fiwftally fatfrj
I (nl a rnmlute ol Hme. und. wuf, and cemcnl ihat is used lor buMiQ a deep bowl used, wthapesiie. t« <toshing Ihmgs
society 0/ tvink lo buy a house
until ihe.1 (unetals. mosaic !mot>-23y>k}(n) jpalleinof piclufemadíiíj of small pieces of coloured stone oi glass riwAnoipnl HominmoUK
S//sntf<i! ftnomt Moslem Muslim
mosque ,<¦¦ Jik) (nl a burlrtino used
moth in) an insect like a buiieilly. thai usually IWrsat mghl The
mother ffti a (em»le parent, motherhood <n). motherly ia<S) motion moiioning motioned

« archlttctur* mosquito (moss-kee-ioe; mosquitoes or mosquitos (n) a small insect which sucks blood from ammals and humans Mosquitoes can spread fSiuch
motwaw ha ttjm To kvm. nwtivation &U motivated Cacy. motive in)»leaton (or dorng
motocross (n) cross-country motorcycle racing motor motoring motored 1 In) a machme that changes eltciric
moss mosses Wa small, fuiry, green plant that gitwi on wet soJ Of stone Mosses do not have toots. Ilosvers, or Ifuit. but tepioduce by producing spores mossy Mi) 5ee spote mostly fttfr; mainly, 0« usuaBy. motel rt) a roadside hole) for
rnt fefei
Morófmetíian« 3 (Y) to dtwe motoring (n). motorbike f/i>rf>to"Tuii a motorcycle
motorcycle In) a iwo-wheeled vehicle with an engine, fhepicriffe jftowj d ramifta nJMSSO mofofcx*
Stunningly realistic artwork
Alternative forms of nouns, verbs and adjectives to help spelling and writing
Friendly example sentences in age-appropriate language
Special emphasis on scientific, technical and computer terms
Cross-referencing from unillustrated to illustrated words
Masses of picture labels introduce a second level of more specialized vocabulary
The perfect dictionary for home and school from age 9 to adult Vissza
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