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Understanding Business - CD-vel


Kiadó: McGraw-Hill
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 765 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 28 cm x 22 cm
ISBN: 0-07-232054-0
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal, ábrákkal. CD-melléklettel.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Your Success Is Our Business!
Students and teachers with each new book, you will receive access to these
resources that will help you succeed in your Introduction to Business course.
Concept Mastery Toolkit CD-ROM
This free CD includes such assets as a digital Spanish-English glossary of terms,
learning style assessments, and an entire e-text entitled Building an E-Business from
the Ground Up. Also included is the new, updated exam prep disk, now on CD.
Practice questions for each chapter are included to help students review for exams. Flip to the front
of this book to read more about this exciting new addition to the 6th edition!
Understanding Business PowerWeb
New to the sixth edition, this is the first ever book-specific PowerWeb! The material
doesn't just tie into the course, but it will ajcttially correlate with the specific chapter
material in this text. Current articles, interactive exercises, daily news, study tips, and
Web research are included and matched... Tovább


Your Success Is Our Business!
Students and teachers with each new book, you will receive access to these
resources that will help you succeed in your Introduction to Business course.
Concept Mastery Toolkit CD-ROM
This free CD includes such assets as a digital Spanish-English glossary of terms,
learning style assessments, and an entire e-text entitled Building an E-Business from
the Ground Up. Also included is the new, updated exam prep disk, now on CD.
Practice questions for each chapter are included to help students review for exams. Flip to the front
of this book to read more about this exciting new addition to the 6th edition!
Understanding Business PowerWeb
New to the sixth edition, this is the first ever book-specific PowerWeb! The material
doesn't just tie into the course, but it will ajcttially correlate with the specific chapter
material in this text. Current articles, interactive exercises, daily news, study tips, and
Web research are included and matched with the chapter in Understanding Business that
best relates to the information being discussed. This PowerWeb can be accessed through the Online
Learning Center, described below.
Online Learning Center http://www.mhhe.com/ub6e
Visit the new and expanded Online Learning Center to gain access to a wealth of resources that will
help students learn and study more effectively and will help teachers organize and teach their courses.
Available here are such features as links to professional resources, downloadable supplements, Internet
exercises and assignments, e-commerce modules, a career corner, and crossword puzzles to help review
key terms. The E-Learning Session, an interactive, online study guide for students, is also included
at the Online Learning Center. Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Understanding Business - CD-vel Understanding Business - CD-vel Understanding Business - CD-vel Understanding Business - CD-vel Understanding Business - CD-vel Understanding Business - CD-vel Understanding Business - CD-vel Understanding Business - CD-vel Understanding Business - CD-vel

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