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Enterprise 2 - Elementary - Coursebook


Kiadó: Express Publishing
Kiadás helye: Blackpill
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 182 oldal
Sorozatcím: Enterprise
Kötetszám: 2
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 28 cm x 22 cm
ISBN: 1-84216-105-9
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss



2 uememary is me secona or a rour-ievei $ ks. It is specialy designed to motivat^ idents in effective learning. The course provic ?paration for ail the skills required for successful < in both written and spoken form.
:ey features
nterprise 2 consists of four modules of four uni ^ffers extensive, well-integrated practice ín liste speaking and writing skills
Reading Sections capture students interest with fexts on authentic, cross-cultural topics Language Devélopment Sections provide a stin oalanced varíety of tasks:
a) Vocabulary Sections help students to understc vocabulary in the reading text, and to use
b) Grammar Sections present and thoroughly pr grammar items appropriate to this Ievei
c) Listening and Speaking Sections motivate stud understand and use tiie language successful
d) Communication Sections build students abiüt; communicate successfully in English
e) Pronunciation Activities help studen+s hear anc correct pronundation in English
f) Writing... Tovább



2 uememary is me secona or a rour-ievei $ ks. It is specialy designed to motivat^ idents in effective learning. The course provic ?paration for ail the skills required for successful < in both written and spoken form.
:ey features
nterprise 2 consists of four modules of four uni ^ffers extensive, well-integrated practice ín liste speaking and writing skills
Reading Sections capture students interest with fexts on authentic, cross-cultural topics Language Devélopment Sections provide a stin oalanced varíety of tasks:
a) Vocabulary Sections help students to understc vocabulary in the reading text, and to use
b) Grammar Sections present and thoroughly pr grammar items appropriate to this Ievei
c) Listening and Speaking Sections motivate stud understand and use tiie language successful
d) Communication Sections build students abiüt; communicate successfully in English
e) Pronunciation Activities help studen+s hear anc correct pronundation in English
f) Writing Sections present useful writing skills wi students step-by-step guidance
3dule Seif-Assessment Sections following ever ovidé systematic review and consolidation of ?ms presented earlier
ree entertaining adventure stories, presented episodes each, invite students to read for enjo; Grammar Reference Section at the back of the boc grammar theory is presented in detail Culture Ciips Vissza


3 Q O
People around the World
Night and Day (pp. 12-17) UNn-3
Shop till you Drop! (pp. 18 - 23)
present simple; present continuous
present simple; adverbs oí frequency; past simple; used to
order of adjectives; making comparisons
people's physical appearance/ article about Thailand and its character; jobs; everyday activities; people; letter describing a holiday colours; describing places resort
daily routines; teliing the time; school subjects
shops & shopping; shapes
astronauts' daily routine while in orbit; article about someone's lifestyle and how it has changed
article about shopping in Paris; article about Harrods
STORY 1: THE SHARK CALLER - EPISODE 1: THE CURSE (pp. 24 ¦ 25) [expressing certainty: must, can't, wfll]
UNIT 4 past simple; past continuous; feelings & reactions stories
Days to Remember (pp. 26-31) adjectives; adverbs; joining sentences
MODULÉ SELF-ASSESSMENT 1 - UNITS 1, 2, 3, 4 (pp. 32 - 33)
UNIT 5 will; be going to; present continuous (future jobs; job qualities; plans;
ui _i 3 O O S
Planning Ahead (pp. 34 - 39) UNIT 6
Food, Glorious Food (pp. 40 - 45)
meaning); conditionals type 1; if/when
a/an/some/any; much/many, a few/ a little; giving advice (should)
food; drinks; service at restaurants; containers
STORY 1: THE SHARK CALLER - EPISODE 2: BAD MAG IC (pp. 46 - 47) [time words; conditionals type O)
Profiles (pp. 48 - 53)
present perfect simple; present perfect continuous
health/illnesses/accidents changes
MODULÉ SELF-ASSESSMENT 2 - UNITS 5, 6, 7, 8 (pp. 60-61)
UNIT 9 passive voice
A World of Wonders (pp. 62 - 67)
landmarks; museums; inventors
STORY 2: THE PYTHON HUNT - EPISODE 1: DO NOT DISTURB (pp. 68 - 69) [too - enough]
« UNIT 10
u Stick to the Rules! (pp. 70 - 75)
the imperative; might; could; have tolhad to; must(n't); can; be allowed to
safety leaflets; warnings; rules; accidents
L Our Precious Planet (pp. 76 - 81)
conditionals type 2
environment; air pollution; rainforests; endangered species
STORY 2: THE PYTHON HUNT - EPISODE 2: FACE-TO-FACE ENCOUNTER (pp. 88 - 89) [somé - any - no] MODULÉ SELF-ASSESSMENT 3 - UNITS 9, 10, 11, 12 (pp. 90-91)
Jóin in the Fun! (pp. 92 - 97)
infinitive/-/ng form
w _J UNIT 14 say - teli;
3 Live and Let Live reported statements;
O (pp. 98 - 103) reported questions
s UNIT 15 question tags; exclamations;
Surf the Net (pp. 104- 109) reported orders/instructions
festivals; preparations; clothes; people's comments/feelings
animals; pets; endangered species
technology; computers; the Internet
STORY 3: ON THE TOP OF THE WORLD (pp. 110-113)
MODULÉ SELF-ASSESSMENT 4 - UNITS 13, 14, 15 (pp. 114-115)
people's plans & ambitions; letter asking for information
article about what the stars eat; report about a restaurant
article about a doctor; profilé of Bili Gates
UNIT 8 past perfect simple; experiences; preparations; stories
A Brush with Danger (pp. 54 - 59) past perfect vs past continuous feelings
UNIT 12 relatives; phrases describing holiday resorts;
Holidays with a Difference location of a place weather; jobs
(pp. 82 - 87)
article about the Wieliczka Salt Mine; newspaper announcement
leaflet: safety at home; news reports (narrow escapes)
people's dreams; article about water
article - Alton Towers; article - the Ice Hotel
articles about various festivals around the world
article - adopting animals in danger; article about pets
the Internet - FAQs; article about the Internet
talking about members of your family; describing people's character/appearance Pronunciation; similar sounds welcoming people
talking about a school timetable; talking about people's daily routines Pronunciation: silent letters agreeing - disagreeing (so/neither/nor)
talking about shopping facilities in a place; talking about a big department store Pronunciation: / h / describing lost property; asking about prices; polite requests & offers

sounds; sequence of events; teliing a story Pronunciation: sentence stress witness' report

talking about ambitions/plans Pronunciation: 'II making appointments; reminding & reassuring people
making a shopping list; ordering food; advice on kitchen hygiene Pronunciation: like / 'd like polite requests & offers; accepting & refusing

recent changes; taking notes Pronunciation: / id / asking for & giving permission
sequence of events; Pronunciation: / 0: / - / d / apologising

making enquiries; describing landmarks Pronunciation: word stress asking for information

rules; warnings; giving instructions Pronunciation: must/mustn't positive/negative agreement
radio programme; environmental problems Pronunciation: / 9 /
Project - letter to a friend (describing a holiday resort); article about a country and its people
Project - letter to a new pen-friend;
article about someone's lifestyle and how it has
Project - letter to a lost property office; article about shopping facilities in a place
Project - beginning/ending of a story; story - 'The Waterfall'
Project - letter to a friend (about summer plans); transactional letter - asking for information
Project - leaflet on healthy eating;
report about the good & bad points of a place
Project - letter to a friend (recent news); profilé of a famous person
Project - letter to a friend (an unlucky experience); story
Project - factfiles about historical sites; article describing a landmark
Project - leaflet; safe hiking; news report
suggesting solutions to problems Project - suggestions about protecting the environment;
article suggesting solutions to problems
holiday experiences; holiday resorts; holiday preparations Pronunciation: words that rhyme
asking for and making suggestions Project - postcards from holiday resorts;
article describing holiday accommodation
festival preparations; comments Pronunciation: syllable stress giving directions; expressing likes/dislikes
describing animals; making suggestions; identifying animals Intonation arranging to meet someone
taking messages/notes Intonation in question tags expressing reactions; making comments
Project - letter of invitation;
article about a celebration you attended
Project - factfiles about endangered species; opinion article
Project - Internet messages;
article - pros & cons of the Internet for children
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