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War Progress and the End of History

Three Conversations Including a Short Story of the Anti-Christ


Kiadó: Lindisfarne Press
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 206 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-940262-35-5
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


War, Progress, and the End of History
In this prophetic work, written by Russia's greatest philosopher at the end of
the last century (1899), the great task facing humanity is the question of
evil. Brilliantly employing the dialog form, which enables him to address
difficult issues in a humorous, understandable way, Solovyov confronts what
seem to him the three main trends of our time: economic materialism,
Tolstoyan abstract morality, and Nietzschean hubris — the first already
present, the second imminent, the last the apocalyptic precursor of the
There are five characters: a general, who represents the usual religious
point of view; a lady; a liberal politician; an anonymous Mr. Z,, who is to
some extent the mouthpiece of the author; and the Prince, who represents
Tolstoy's principle of non-resistance to evil. The latter provides a foil for the
others and for Solovyov's deep belief that evil has a real existence and must
be resisted.
The culmination... Tovább


War, Progress, and the End of History
In this prophetic work, written by Russia's greatest philosopher at the end of
the last century (1899), the great task facing humanity is the question of
evil. Brilliantly employing the dialog form, which enables him to address
difficult issues in a humorous, understandable way, Solovyov confronts what
seem to him the three main trends of our time: economic materialism,
Tolstoyan abstract morality, and Nietzschean hubris — the first already
present, the second imminent, the last the apocalyptic precursor of the
There are five characters: a general, who represents the usual religious
point of view; a lady; a liberal politician; an anonymous Mr. Z,, who is to
some extent the mouthpiece of the author; and the Prince, who represents
Tolstoy's principle of non-resistance to evil. The latter provides a foil for the
others and for Solovyov's deep belief that evil has a real existence and must
be resisted.
The culmination comes in a prophetic story of the Anti-Christ. At the
end of the 20th century a great man arises, a social reformer, preaching a
universal synthesis of culture and beliefs, who becomes the President of the
United States of Europe. This "coming man" claims to be "Christian" but,
in fact, loves no one more than himself. "Adopted" by Satan, he attempts to
become the religious leader of the world but is unmasked with amazing
Made cautious by historical tragedy which caught in its grip innumerable inhabi-
tants of our planet, we read Solovyov's testament today as a message to us, one still
of actuality.
Czeslaw Milosz
There are many today who regard the present era as indeed the end of history and
the notion that our time may not be merely a "fin de siecle" but a "fin de l'âge}> is
gaining adherents. In such times it may be particularly useful to explore the
impressions and intuitions offered to us by one of the great souls and sincere hearts
of recent times. The gentle lover of Lady Wisdom, Vladimir Solovyov, asks no
more of us than this and, were he with us today, assuredly he would accept no less.
Stephan A. Hoeller Vissza



Vladimir Solovyov

Vladimir Solovyov műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Vladimir Solovyov könyvek, művek
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