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Western European Painting in the Hermitage


Kiadó: Aurora Art Publishers
Kiadás helye: Leningrád
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 322 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 35 cm x 27 cm
Megjegyzés: Eredeti védődobozban. Színes és fekete-fehér reprodukciókkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






The Hermitage is one of the world's leading history
and art museums. Particularly well known is
the oldest and most significant part
of its collection — the picture gallery,
which numbers over six thousand pictures.
The art treasures concentrated here reflect
all the main stages in the development of painting
from the late Middle Ages to our day.
The rich collection of Italian painting
includes several unique works by such outstanding
Renaissance masters as Giorgione,
Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael.
The Hermitage collection of Flemish and Dutch masters
enjoys world renown. Represented are
almost all the celebrated artists
of the two schools, often by first-class works.
The exceptionally high quality of this collection
is exemplified by the presence in it of 41 Rubenses,
25 van Dycks and 26 Rembrandts.
The French collection is considered the best of its kind outside France. There are in it, among others, 12 Poussins, 12 Lorrains, 37 paintings by Matisse and 36... Tovább


The Hermitage is one of the world's leading history
and art museums. Particularly well known is
the oldest and most significant part
of its collection — the picture gallery,
which numbers over six thousand pictures.
The art treasures concentrated here reflect
all the main stages in the development of painting
from the late Middle Ages to our day.
The rich collection of Italian painting
includes several unique works by such outstanding
Renaissance masters as Giorgione,
Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael.
The Hermitage collection of Flemish and Dutch masters
enjoys world renown. Represented are
almost all the celebrated artists
of the two schools, often by first-class works.
The exceptionally high quality of this collection
is exemplified by the presence in it of 41 Rubenses,
25 van Dycks and 26 Rembrandts.
The French collection is considered the best of its kind outside France. There are in it, among others, 12 Poussins, 12 Lorrains, 37 paintings by Matisse and 36 by Picasso. Also very valuable are the collections of English, Spanish and German painting. Though not very large numerically, they contain some true masterpieces by Velazquez and Goya. Gainsborough and 'Reynolds, Cranach and Holbein.
Reproduced in this album are the finest paintings in the Hermitage picture gallery. The author of the introductory article is Academician Boris Piotrovsky, Director of the Hermitage Museum.

Megvásárolható példányok
Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage

A védőborító védőfóliája enyhén felhólyagosodott, a lapélek foltosak.

Védődoboz nélküli példány.

9.800 Ft
3.670,-Ft 50 25
74 pont kapható
25% garantált kedvezmény!
Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage

Könyvtári könyv volt. A borítóra amatőr műanyag védőborítót ragasztottak, a védőborító enyhén kopott, a lapélek és néhány lap foltos.

Védőborító nélküli példány.

Állapot: Közepes
9.800 Ft
3.670,-Ft 50 25
74 pont kapható
25% garantált kedvezmény!
Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage Western European Painting in the Hermitage

A védődoboz sérült, szakadozott, a védőborító szakadozott, javított, védőfóliája felhólyagosodott.

9.800 Ft
7.350,-Ft 25
147 pont kapható
25% garantált kedvezmény!