
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

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5000 Ft
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Kiadó: Black Library Publication
Kiadás helye: Nottingham
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 273 oldal
Sorozatcím: Gotrek & Felix
Kötetszám: 5
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 1-84154-137-0
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
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BEASTSLAYER v A Gotrek & Félix növel by William King rvu,^-, J At the last second before impact, theSlayer moved. He lashed out with his axe. A blow^ as -swift and irresistible as a thunderbolt, struck the Chaos waírior's steed's legs. The beast tumbled, blood fountaining from its sheared limbs. Its rider cartwheeled from the saddle and skidded across the hard-packed earth to land at Félix's feet with a crash like an earthquake hitting an ironmonger's shop. - U ) ¦ /¦¦¦¦¦íéhi STORM CLOUPS gathfr around the icy city of Praag as the foul hordes öf Chaos layS-uinous siege to northern lands of Kislev; Only Gotrek Gurnisson, a death-seekiííg dwarf Slayer7 and his sworn humafi companion, Félix Jaeger, stand between the ancíent city and the forces oFt)arki]tess in this latest instalment of their epik; quest. y - w» { j J 'Really bríngs the world ofWarhamtner to life.' - SFX 'Satisfying Dark Fantaty with all ef Its wts* about itf XjLocys More Goírek & Eelix from the Black Ubrary: %... Tovább


BEASTSLAYER v A Gotrek & Félix növel by William King rvu,^-, J At the last second before impact, theSlayer moved. He lashed out with his axe. A blow^ as -swift and irresistible as a thunderbolt, struck the Chaos waírior's steed's legs. The beast tumbled, blood fountaining from its sheared limbs. Its rider cartwheeled from the saddle and skidded across the hard-packed earth to land at Félix's feet with a crash like an earthquake hitting an ironmonger's shop. - U ) ¦ /¦¦¦¦¦íéhi STORM CLOUPS gathfr around the icy city of Praag as the foul hordes öf Chaos layS-uinous siege to northern lands of Kislev; Only Gotrek Gurnisson, a death-seekiííg dwarf Slayer7 and his sworn humafi companion, Félix Jaeger, stand between the ancíent city and the forces oFt)arki]tess in this latest instalment of their epik; quest. y - w» { j J 'Really bríngs the world ofWarhamtner to life.' - SFX 'Satisfying Dark Fantaty with all ef Its wts* about itf XjLocys More Goírek & Eelix from the Black Ubrary: % TR0LLSLAYER • SKAVENSLAYEft '


William King

William King műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: William King könyvek, művek
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